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Our Commitment to Sustainable Packaging

Viva la anti-plastic revolution? There’s no doubt that the amount of plastic we’re consuming is a problem, but we need to look at the bigger picture too.

Being increasingly aware from the ever emerging photos, videos and shocking facts about the devastating effects plastics are having on the environment, it’s not hard to see why there’s an anti-plastic movement rising as people cut down on their plastic use and demand that businesses do too. But the truth of the matter is that plastic does have its place.

We can all agree that the amount of plastic that’s surrounding our lives is unnecessary and should certainly be drastically reduced, however while we have seas of plastic, we also have mountains of food waste.
In 2017, the Independent states in an article that while 8.4 million families in the UK struggle to put food on the table, 7.3 million tonnes of food waste is sent to landfill each year. All this food waste being produced every year is not only horrendous considering there are some that have to go without, but it also has environmental effects too. According to the waste and recycling advisory body Wrap, the amount of avoidable household food waste produced in 2015 generated 19 million tonnes of greenhouse gases over the course of its lifetime, which is the equivalent to a quarter of the emissions of all UK cars on the road.

So where does plastic come in? Well, plastics actually play a crucial role in ensuring that less food is wasted during the manufacturing and supply chain before it gets to you. Certain foods such as meats, soft cheeses and even some fruit and veg need to have plastic packaging so that the quality of the product isn’t compromised and they make it on to the shelves and then to your home in an edible state without having to be thrown away as soon as you put it in your cupboard or fridge contributing to your household waste.

“But the turtles!” you say, yes it’s tough battle and we’re certainly not saying one is more important than the other, but the truth of the matter is, we can’t just ban all plastics and expect our problems to be solved.

The solution? No pointless plastic.

As we can’t cut out all plastic from food, next best thing and actually the better solution is to focus on getting rid of the unnecessary plastics. This is why we’re switching where possible and minimising the amount of single use, non-recyclable plastic as much as we can. But unless we can find a solution that doesn’t do more harm than good, the polymer in part is here to stay.