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Tom Parker Creamery Family Farm in Hampshire

Tom Parker Creamery - Pure Indulgence Bottled in Glass

Tom Parker was renowned for his belief that hard work never killed anyone… and neither did striving for perfection. Following in those footsteps, today Tom Parker Creamery’s mission remains the same as ever - to deliver the simple but delicious pleasure of natural, high quality dairy produce to as many people as they can.

They believe that happy cows make the best milk, and continue to source their fresh, free-range whole milk from a small pool of British family farms. Working closely with the farmers to ensure the cows are cared for to the highest standard, they believe it’s quality over quantity, and that you can really taste this in their products.

The mixed-breed, grass-fed herds that produce Tom Parker Creamery’s milk graze happily on luscious pastures in the great outdoors for a minimum of 180 days per year in the very best conditions.

It’s this free-range milk that Tom Parker Creamery uses to produce their delicious double cream and range of wickedly indulgent flavoured milks and iced coffee – made using the finest natural ingredients and genuine care and passion.

It’s not just the uncompromisingly good dairy that sets these products apart; the glass bottles and paper labels were chosen for both their authenticity and sustainability, offering a nostalgic nod to the milk that Tom Parker used to deliver.

Find out more about Tom Parker Creamery's happy cows here.

Tom Parker banana fudge, iced coffee, chocolate, strawberry and chocolate salted caramel milks
Jack Martin and a vintage Tom Parker milk float