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Godminster: ‘Nature Repays Those Who Treat Her Kindly’

On 1,300 acres of lush Somerset countryside sits Godminster Farm. Internationally famous for its tangy cheddar cheese, it’s also a shining star in the world of organic farming.

The farm was started by Richard Hollingbery in the 1990s, who quickly set to work to get full organic certification for both crops and animals. Richard is a strong believer in the circular farming environment, which is symbolised in Godminster’s logo. He’s planted over 25,000 trees, an array of herbs and fruits, and created 15 ponds, which encourage biodiversity and reeds to cleanse the ground water. When crops provide the soil’s nutrition, there’s no need for artificial fertilisers, and the result is a natural, more sustainable landscape that provides a safe home for local wildlife as well as Godminster’s cherished dairy cows.

The ‘Godminster Girls’ as they’re affectionately known enjoy a simple, wholesome life surrounded by nature, grazing on specially grown feed and herbs that keep them healthy and content while producing their all-natural milk that’s perfect for cheese-making.

Richard followed a 90 year old recipe when he created the first Godminster Vintage Organic Cheddar truckle as a ‘thank you’ to the friends and neighbours who helped the farm on its organic journey. Their verdict: he was on to a real winner!

Twenty years on, that same outstanding cheddar has won a myriad of awards and is enjoyed in 26 countries and counting. The cheese is matured for up to 12 months, before the very best is selected and sealed in the famous burgundy wax truckles, the Godminster name proudly stamped on top.