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Classic Hot Chocolate

On a frosty day or a chilly evening, there’s nothing quite like the comfort of sipping on a delicious mug of hot chocolate. Of all the hot chocolate recipes out there, this one’s got to be one of the simplest and tastiest thanks to Cocoba’s chocolate bombe. With this easy recipe, a rich and creamy cup of cocoa is just a few steps and a delightful spectacle away.

Total Time: 3-5 mins | Makes: 1 mug


1 Cocoba Hot Chocolate Bombe

1 pint Channel Island Gold Top Milk
1. Fill your favourite mug 3/4 of the way up with Channel Island milk.

2. Heat up the milk in the microwave for approx. 2 mins or until it's steaming.

3. Gently drop the Cocoba chocolate bombe into the mug and watch it melt to reveal it's marsmallows.

4. Once the bombe has melted give everything a quick stir and enjoy!
making a classic cocoba bombe hot chocolate
making hot chocolate with cocoba's chocolate bombe
Cocoba's hot chocolate bombe
Hot chocolate with cocoba's hot chocolate bombe